Monday, June 10, 2019

Religion Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Religion Paper - Essay ExampleHe had unwavering faith that divinity would give him offspring and his belief and institutionalize in God was rewarded. God instructed Abraham to go up the mountain with his son and then lay him on the communion table and sacrifice him. This story clearly illustrates to believers the importance of faith and works. Many of the believers claim to have faith in God, but they are required to prove it in actions. As human beings, God tests us in different ways, but ultimately we have to overcome the test by focusing our faith and trust in God.This story also teaches believers that God wants them to make Him their priority and focus on obeying all His commands. Abraham understood all this because he knew that God had given him a son at his advanced age of over 90 years. With the same faith, he was ready to sacrifice that one and only Son in line of battle to please God (Roshwald 15). Abraham was ready to obey God because he knew that God had made a covenant with him. He knew that it was important to trust God with his entire life. He treasured Isaac more than everything else and God knew that this was where his strength and hopes all rested. When God instructed him to offer his one most treasured possession as a sacrifice, He knew that this was the very one thing, which Abraham loved. Abraham did not question God rather he obeyed the command of God. This shows believers that obedience to God must come first without questioning. Abraham taught believers the importance of devotion to God. Total respect and surrender to the Creator to the point of surrendering everything they have to Him. God validated His covenant with Abraham because he knew that Abraham had totally surrendered his life to Him.This story also reveals to believers the manufacturing business providence of God. When Abraham was ready to sacrifice his son, God stopped him as he was about to kill him. This happened just after he tied and took a dig to slay his son (Roshw ald 17). However, the angel of the Lord called out to him from heaven and called

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