Thursday, January 2, 2020

Essay on Critical Incident - 1728 Words

Within this essay, the author will reflect on a critical incident using a reflective model. In order to guide the author undertake this reflection, Johns (2002) reflective model will be utilised. As the first stage of Johns reflective model asks for the description of the event, the descriptive part will be attached (see appendix A). In accordance with the NMC Code of Professional Conduct (2008) the names of the individual involved have been changed using pseudonym in the form of James, Jennifer and Christina for the purpose of maintaining confidentiality. This reflection has been chosen as it has shown the author the inadequacies on her part as a student nurse. Also to highlight the need for the author and professionals to have an†¦show more content†¦Furthermore, upon assessing Christina I noticed that she was experiencing breathlessness and showing signs of distress. According to Kisiel and Perkins (2006) recording vital observation is an important aspect of nursing care as this provides the physiological state of the patient. At this point my main priority was to assess the patient’s baseline. I also felt it was unnecessary to disturb Christina with questions regarding her history and identity. As this could have leaded the patient become more breathlessness. However, I was distracted by the patient’s breathlessness and distress. Therefore the consequence of my actions was that I wrote the vital signs on the wrong chart. The lack of proper documentation could have lead a negative impact on the patient health and can ultimately cause fatal consequences. The NMC (2008) requires practitioners to make correct documentation as this could cause dangerous consequences for patients and result in further disciplinary action. Looking back, Nurse James would have been held accountable for my action. The NMC (2008) clearly states that a registered nurse is obligated to ensure the safety of patients at all times. On the other hand, as a student I may be held responsible by the university and possible could face being penalised (Pellat 2006). Upon reflection I feel that as a student nurse at advanced stage of my training I was not able to work under pressure and multitask. I should have been ableShow MoreRelatedCritical Incidents Of Academic Institutions870 Words   |  4 Pages Critical Incidents in Academic Institutions The critical incident technique is used to gather and analyze an employees behavior through methods such as observation and interviews (Andersson Nilsson,1964). This technique is useful in collecting information regarding behavior that amounts to successful or unsuccessful in a performance (Peterson, Jeanneret, 2007). 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